Business Valuation

Knowing what your business is worth matters. A business valuation will equip you with the necessary facts to make sound financial decisions.


During our 14 years in business, we've found that owners of privately held companies struggle to understand their value, which makes it difficult to decide how much insurance to carry, when to sell, and how to plan for retirement. In fact, 98% of small business owners don’t know what their business is worth.

We can help remove some of the uncertainty around your future by arming you with the data necessary to make smart financial decisions. We do this by providing our clients with fast, comprehensive, and accurate real-time business valuations.

10 benefits of a business valuation

A business valuation report is a comprehensive analysis of a company's financials and operations, used to determine the estimated value of a business. It’s an empowering tool because it exposes key insight that can be leveraged to improve the overall health of your business.

A business valuation can help you:

  1. Better understand your business and its potential

  2. Know the value of your largest asset so you can plan for retirement

  3. Ensure the business and your family are properly protected

  4. Create a succession plan

  5. Pay the right amount when you buy a business

  6. Get what your business is worth at sale

  7. Create buy/sell agreements with business partners

  8. Explore funding opportunities

  9. Establish a trust or create an estate plan

  10. Prepare for taxable events such as gifting or grants

About our business valuation services

PBAFS can provide you with a business valuation in a fraction of the time and at a lower price. We do this by leveraging Big Data and our simple, seven-step process to gather necessary information.

The methodology and math behind our valuation reports are:

  • tested and accurate

  • endorsed by the American Bankers Association (ABA)

  • safe and secure

With the information you provide us, we’ll prepare a 25-30 page report to review together in a one-on-one meeting. During this time, we’ll walk you through your company dashboard so you can understand where you’re under- or outperforming in 12 critical industry averages. We’ll also show you the impact key variables can have on your business’s future value by adjusting them in real time on your company dashboard.

Getting started

Over the next decade, $13.2 trillion of business owner wealth is set to transition. Now is the time to know what your business is worth, so that you can know your potential, make better business decisions, and plan for your future.

To get started, click the link below or contact us at (561) 629-5389 for white glove service. Your full report will be available for review in our one-on-one meeting.